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What can I make with SvelteKit?

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SvelteKit can be used to create most kinds of applications. Out of the box, SvelteKit supports many features including:

SvelteKit can also be deployed to a wide spectrum of hosted architectures via adapters. In cases where SSR is used (or server-side logic is added without prerendering), those functions will be adapted to the target backend. Some examples include:

  • Self-hosted dynamic web applications with a Node.js backend.
  • Serverless web applications with backend loaders and APIs deployed as remote functions. See zero-config deployments for popular deployment options.
  • Static pre-rendered sites such as a blog or multi-page site hosted on a CDN or static host. Statically-generated sites are shipped without a backend.
  • Single-page Applications (SPAs) with client-side routing and rendering for API-driven dynamic content. SPAs are shipped without a backend and are not server-rendered. This option is commonly chosen when bundling SvelteKit with an app written in PHP, .Net, Java, C, Golang, Rust, etc.
  • A mix of the above; some routes can be static, and some routes can use backend functions to fetch dynamic information. This can be configured with page options that includes the option to opt out of SSR.

In order to support SSR, a JS backend — such as Node.js or Deno-based server, serverless function, or edge function — is required.

It is also possible to write custom adapters or leverage community adapters to deploy SvelteKit to more platforms such as specialized server environments, browser extensions, or native applications. See How do I use X with SvelteKit for more examples and integrations.